Looking for workplace giving solutions? Good2Give is your one-stop-shop.

We know that businesses have many choices in workplace giving solutions, but Good2Give’s flexible technology offerings and excellent customer service team have made us Australia’s leading workplace giving platform.

Good2Give’s Client Service Officers (CSO’s) provide excellent customer service to corporate clients, partners, and charities. Our commitment to customer service, innovation, and collaboration enables us to deliver specialised solutions and leaves our customers extremely satisfied with their dedicated team of customer service professionals.

We help our corporate clients maximise the impact and benefits of charitable giving through an effective suite of technology offerings. Using Good2Give’s workplace giving platform as a base, you can add additional services to suit your companies’ needs, such as giving circles at work, grants management, advisory services, and more.

Good2Give’s workplace giving solutions accompanied by dedicated customer service professionals

Excellent customer service is key to Good2Give’s ability to build a more giving society, and should be something to consider when choosing between companies that offer workplace giving solutions. By providing end-to-end, innovative solutions to our corporate clients, we ensure you receive the highest quality outcome for your specific needs. We are passionate about our customers, your impact and going the extra mile.

We’re proud to share that our CSO’s score 90% or higher on four key post customer service interaction metrics: communication, reasonable resolution of time, team friendliness, and timely assistance. These metrics show that our corporate clients, charities, and partners are highly satisfied with their team of dedicated customer service professionals and the assistance they provide. When deciding between workplace giving solutions, Good2Give’s committed and readily available CSO’s are a strong factor to consider.

Workplace giving solutions paired with extremely satisfied customers

Flexible offerings in workplace giving solutions

Good2Give’s suite of technology offerings enables businesses to maximise their community impact. Working with corporate social responsibility, employee engagement and human resource teams, and corporate foundations, your business can customise our suite of offerings to make your corporate community investment easy, effective, and efficient.

Flexible offerings in Good2Give’s workplace giving solutions

Workplace giving

Our purpose-built Workplace Giving Platform currently services over 120 highly satisfied corporate clients. Giving donors the choice of over 2700 charities to support, Good2Give’s platform provides businesses with user-friendly financial and engagement reporting on your giving programs, and enables charities to communicate with and thank their supporters.

Our commitment to quality assurance and best practice, ensures all charities are validated and registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC).

Features and benefits

  • Good2Give’s Workplace Giving platform provides a one-stop-shop for managing your payroll giving programs.
  • Manage donation matching budgets in one place with a user-friendly dashboard and reporting tools.
  • Employees can give to more than 2700 charities across 17 cause areas with Good2Give.
  • The adaptable functionality of our platform means companies can support crisis and emergency appeals, company-specific giving campaigns, and seasonal giving.
  • We maintain the highest standards of data and privacy protection, cyber security and risk management processes guided by our Technology Advisory Group.
  • Single Sign On functionality minimises sign-up barriers to the Workplace Giving Platform which boosts participation and engagement.

Giving Circles at Work

For corporate companies, implementing Giving Circles at Work is a great way to apply collective giving to the workplace. Good2Give can help you implement Giving Circles at Work, whether they’re cause-led or charity-aligned. Cause-led giving circles are determined by participants agreeing on a cause, examining what work is being done in this area and jointly agreeing on which charity project to support. Charity-aligned giving circles occur when a group selects a charity at the start and does a deep-dive into the charity’s activities to eventually decide where to make a grant.

Grants management

Not all workplace giving solutions offer end-to-end management of business sponsored and employee-nominated grants.

Good2Give custom-builds grants objectives, application review and assessment processes, and builds the technology platform to support your specific grant program. Our in-house marketing communications specialists also develop tools and tactics for engagement and promotion including direct e-communications, social media and blog content.

With two decades of established experience in charity finance solutions, Good2Give’s rigorous recipient validation, due diligence and funds distribution services ensure grants are delivered safely, ethically and at low-cost.

Advisory services

As part of our workplace giving solutions, Good2Give provides advice and facilitation on strategy development, and frameworks for community programs that deliver commercial value, organisation development outcomes and positive impact for the causes and issues that matter to all stakeholders and the entire value chain of organisations.

Whether you’re starting from scratch on a greenfield corporate community investment strategy, looking to focus on specific facets of giving, or engaging a new stakeholder group to make a positive social and environmental impact, our team of specialist advisors can support organisations across all sectors.
