Charity centre authority form Home > Charity centre authority form Good2Give Charity Additional Authorised UserCharity tax status*Select an optionAustralian Charity - DGR 1Australian Charity - DGR 2New Zealand Charity - DoneeOtherOnce this form is completed, we will respond to your request in approximately 3 business days. This document forms part of the Good2Give Charity Agreement. It is essential that charities who use our workplace giving platform manage employees’ access to the Charity Workplace Giving Centre. By completing this form, the charity is agreeing that those listed as Charity Authorised Users are the appropriate and current staff to access the platform.Once this form is completed, we will respond to your request in approximately 3 business days. This document forms part of the Good2Give Charity Agreement. It is essential that charities who use our workplace giving platform manage employees’ access to the Charity Workplace Giving Centre. By completing this form, the charity is agreeing that those listed as Charity Authorised Users are the appropriate and current staff to access the platform.Sorry, your charity is ineligible for workplace giving. Please return when your status changes!Charity name*ABN*ABN must be 11 digits, no letters, characters or spaces.Charity registration number*Contact type*Select an optionGeneral contactAccounts contactSalutation*Mr.Ms.Mrs.Dr.Prof.RabbiFirst name*Surname*Position*Phone*Email* Enter Email Confirm Email * By submitting this form, I authorise Good2Give to set up my individual access to this charity’s profile in their workplace giving platform using the information provided in this form. I understand that Good2Give may verify by telephone or other means that the contact details I have provided on this form are true and I am eligible to have access to the platform for this charity. This field is hidden when viewing the formCharity Access Authority Yes